Educational Tips

5 Ways to reduce Screen Time

Do you feel like you and your children are getting way too much Screen time? Distant learning, work from home, Ipads, phones, TV?  Technology is a great thing but we are all spending way too much time in front of a Screen! 

Does your answer to “How many hours a day shock you?” Read on for 5 Ideas to reduce screen time in your house! 

1. Technology Free Meal Time- use the time to talk and check in!

2. Read- go to your local library and to check out books for you and your children!  They may even have some reading challenges going on that you can participate in!

3. Crafts- pull out paints, crayons, and scissors and create art projects! Bonus you can make gifts for family and friends.

4. Outside time-  did you know that the average American child spends around 25-40 hours a year in free play outside? How sad is that? I know my favorite childhood memories include being outside! I read about a family challenge to log in 1000 hours of outside this year- that would definitely reduce screen time!

5. Family Game time- I am sure you have many old favorites, but if you are looking for some new educational games SimplyFun has them available for all ages and areas of interest!

Never heard of SimplyFun? Checkout my website to see all that we have to offer!

Want to connect? I would love to help you find the perfect games to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

Educational Tips

5 Tips for teaching children how to play board games

Does your family love playing board games? Do you have a child who is struggling to join in? Check out the 5 tips below to help your child learn how to play board games so they can join in the family fun!

Board games range from simple to more complex.  You can choose a game that matches your child’s ability or you can modify a board game to meet the needs of the child.  These steps will teach your child how to play board games and once they are familiar with how to play the game (the setup), they can then focus on the content of the game!

1. Introduce the game board: Ask your child what they see on the board. Talk about the pictures or writing. Identify the start and finish or the game and note special spaces. Have your child trace the path from start to finish.

2. Introduce the game pieces: Include items such as spinners, dice, pawns or tokens. Explain to your child by describing its function. As you explain let them explore the items (spinners, dice) so they know how to use them.

3. Practice moving the game pieces around the game board: You can use hand-over-hand assistance if needed. 

4.  Practice playing the game without the prompts or cards from the game: Instead, play the game but ask the child questions they know the answer to help them learn the game formate. (i.e. “What is your name?”, “What is the dog’s name?”, “How old are you?”)

5. Read/Review the game directions: Have your child repeat the directions back to you to make sure they understand how to play.  When they are ready have fun playing!!

Looking to add some new games to your Family’s library? Check out some of these great games from SimplyFun! Need ideas to modify the games? We got you covered! Under each game on the website there is a section that will give you ideas how to modify the game!! Isn’t that Awesome?!?!

Looking for more information or want to add any of these games to your collection?  Check out

Want to connect? I would love to help you find more games to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

Educational Tips

5 Ways to Refresh and Reset with Play

Welcome to August! Are you looking for ideas to enjoy the last month of summer? How about some ways to relax before another crazy school year begins!   August is the perfect time to Refresh and Reset with Play! Below are 5 fun ways for your family to enjoy this month as we get ready for fall!

1.  Childhood games- What was your favorite game growing up? Hide and seek? Red Rover? Kick the can? I know I have great memories of playing kickball with my cousins! Have you introduced your children to these simple, but fun games? They are fun and your children can practice their social skills!

2.. Scavenger Hunts- Pick a few items around your home, take pictures or write a list, then hide them around your yard or if you are heading out make a list of items for your child to look for! Your child will have lots of fun finding the items while building skills!

3. Pets- Do you have a family pet? Animals are a great way to teach responsibility and playing with them can help reduce stress! I enjoy laughing at my crazy kittens so much (the 2 gray tabby’s below!) Even if you don’t have a pet you can visit a farm! There are even places that let you snuggle or do yoga with goats!

4. A day at the Beach, lake or Pool – Sitting in the sand or on the pool deck listening to the waves or enjoying the view is the perfect way to refresh and rest! Build sand castles, go for a swim, play Marco Polo! Focus on relaxing and having fun!

5.  Family Game Night- Do you have memories of playing games with your family growing up? I know I do! Create memories for your children as you gather around the table for some fun! Bonus it will get them off their phone or tablet and help build connections!

Looking for some new game ideas to add to your collection?  SimplyFun may have something for you! Check out

Want to connect? I would love to help you find more games to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

or join my group

Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

Educational Tips

Refresh and Reset, Relaxation Mindset

Do you find it hard to relax? Is your mind always racing? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to shift your mindset so that you can actually Refresh and Reset? Below are a few ideas to help you achieve that relaxation mindset!

1. Go for a Walk- taking time to go for a walk is a great way to relax and calm your mind! Plus I heard it has some health benefits as well!!

2. Spend time with Family and Friends- getting together to eat, play games, or just socialize is a perfect way to Refresh and Reset!

3. Journal- Getting your thoughts down on paper are a great way to help calm your mind and all you need is a pen and a notebook!

4. Meditate- meditation is the way to train your mind and redirect your thoughts. It can help reduce stress and control anxiety and you can do it anywhere!

5.  Find the positive- we all have those negative thoughts that creep in and when we do it’s helpful to come up with positive thoughts instead.  Those positive vibes can help you refresh and reset!

6. Disconnect from social media- how often do you check in? If you are constantly on social media it makes it hard to relax. Take some time to turn it off- read a book, go for a walk, play a game, go out to eat, spend time with family and friends! You don’t have to stop entirely, but if you are on it all the time it may help you relax by taking some time off!

Want to connect? I would love to help you find more ways to shift your mindset  by Laughing and Learning Through Play with your family!

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Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

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Educational Tips

What type of Learner is your Child?

Did you know that there are three main cognitive learning styles? Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic! Knowing what type of learner you child is can help you understand the best ways to support them! 

Below we will review characteristics of each type of learner and share tips to support each different learning style!

1. Visual – A visual learner will absorb information best when they can see it. Pictures, reading, and watching all help this child learn. They remember things better when they write things down and are good at memorizing and recalling visual information. These learners are often good at reading people by noticing body language! 

Tips to support a Visual Learner include: Provide visuals for them, help them turn notes into pictures, charts or maps, teach them to color code new concepts in their notebook, uses flashcards to teach vocabulary and help them avoid visual distractions (windows, doorways, TV).

2. Auditory – An auditory learner will retain information through hearing and speaking. They will learn through being told how to do things and will often speak out loud to review the information.  These learners are often able to pick up the tone of a speaker. They often have musical talents and are able to work with soft background music.

Tips to support an Auditory Learner include: Record information so they can listen to it again, encourage them to speak or read out loud as it will help with memory, encourage participation in discussion groups or discuss the topic with them so they can hear the information. Soft wordless background music can help this type of learner focus!

3. Kinesthetic – A Kinesthetic learner does best with a hands-on approach.  They prefer to demonstrate how to do something rather than verbally explaining it. They will do well in groups and are usually strong in math and science.

Tips to support a Kinesthetic Learner include: Whenever possible include a hands-on opportunity for this type of learner.  Also allow them to stand, to be active (treadmill, stationary bike) or to chew gum when they study to help them retain information! This type of learner also needs lots of study breaks.

Looking for some new board games to support your child’s learning style?  SimplyFun may have something for you! Check out:

Want to connect? I would love to help you find more games to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

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Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

Educational Tips

Tips to build Fine Motor Skills in Preschoolers!

Are you wondering if your preschooler is on target with their fine motor development? Do you worry about them acquiring the skills to write when they get to kindergarten? Guess what? There are many fun activities that you can do with your child to build these skills during play!! Embedding practice during play is the best way to learn any new skill! Below are just a few ideas  for you to try with your preschooler!

If you have concerns that your child is delayed in this area consider consulting with a OT (occupational therapist) for further guidance.  Most states have Early Intervention Agencies that can help! These agencies work with children under 3 and often provide their services for free. In addition, many school systems will provide screenings for preschoolers (3-5) to help identify children who may be at risk so contact your local one.  If they can’t help they should be able to provide you with other local agencies that can!

Tips to build Fine Motor Skills:

1. Play dough- One of my favorite activities and rolling, cutting and manipulating play dough is a great way to strengthen those tiny hand muscles!  If you are anything like me try not to freak out when your child mixes colors together lol!

2. Cooking – Have your child help as you cook! Mixing, measuring and pouring are useful skills to learn plus help improve fine motor skills! Want to combine 1. and 2. ? Find a recipe to make play dough with your child! Use food coloring to make it their favorite color!

3. Markers, crayons, pencils, chalk, paints – let your child explore with these materials on a variety of mediums (paper, canvas, the ground, cloth) and be flexible about if they want to stand, sit or lay on the floor! The idea is to let them enjoy using these materials so when it is time to transition to seated writing they are ready!

4. Games-  There are lots of games around that work on fine motor skills (puzzles, Operation, Share a Berry, Dreaming Dragons). Your child will be having so much fun playing that they won’t realize that they are building these important skills.

5. Sand Play (beach, garden, sandbox) or Water play – How fun is it to dig in the dirt or to play with water?  These fun activities are awesome for strengthening those tiny hand muscles!

6.  Scissors – Children often come to school with no practice with scissors- we get it you don’t want your child to pretend to be a hair dresser or to cut something important! However, this is such an important skill and kids really love doing it so you can either get the plastic ones to practice with play dough or carefully supervise them as you teach them how to use scissors correctly.  Start by practicing with scrap paper and just have them snip small pieces of paper, you can then move to lines and when they master that shapes and patterns.  Your child’s teacher will thank you if they master this skill!!

These are just a few idea to get you started! Good luck!

Are you looking for some new fine motor games?  SimplyFun may have something for you! Check out

Want to connect? I would love to help you find ways for you to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

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Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

Educational Tips

Fun Ways to practice Math

Math – does your child love it or hate it? Either way it is a skill they need to have! Are you always looking for ways for them to practice?  I can help!! Let’s explore Fun ways to practice Math!!

1. Cooking – Do you have a budding Chef?  This is the perfect way to work to practice math! Count ingredients or number of stirs, sort, match, practice shapes, practice addition or subtraction, work on measurements, practice the concepts more, less, first, second, or third! 

2. Arts and Crafts – Does your child enjoy creating things? There are so many ways to work on Math! Practice colors and shapes, count items, sort items, follow the steps in the activity (first, second, third), work on concepts like under, over, many, few, right or left, practice addition or subtraction!

3. Outdoor play/Sports – Is your family active, loving outdoor time? Play “Hide and seek” to practice counting to high numbers or play “Mother May I” to practice counting steps or to work on big steps or little steps. There is so many ways to practice math during sports- Which score is higher? How many more points do we have to score to get to 10? Count bases, baskets or yard lines! The possibilities are endless!

4. Shopping – Do you have to take your child along while you shop? Keep them busy by counting and sorting items, practice addition, subtraction and estimation to figure out how much everything will cost. Money skills are so important and shopping is the perfect opportunity to practice!

5. Reading books – Does your child love to read? Practice math by counting items, looking for shapes, or finding colors. Practice concepts by using the pictures (under, over, next to, behind, more, less). There are so many ways to work on math using books!

6. Board Games – Does your family love to play games?  This is the perfect time to sneak some math in! Counting, matching, sorting, identifying numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division! The possibilities are endless!  You can use your family’s favorite games or if you are looking for something new check out SimplyFun!  They have games that were created to work on specific math skills!

These are just a few!  Lots more board games can be found at:

Want to connect? I would love to help you find ways to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

or join my group

Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

Educational Tips

Teaching Turn taking to Preschoolers

Does your child struggle with sharing and taking turns? Do they get upset when they have to wait or if they lose a game? Turn taking is an important preschool skill and yes you can teach it to your child!  Modeling during play is a great start and if your child is struggling with the language of turn taking you can use a “my turn” card or the sign for “my turn” to help them visually see when it is their turn. Remember embedding practice during play is the best way to learn any new skill! Below are just a few ideas  for you to try with your preschooler!

Tips to build Turn Taking Skills:

1. Board games- Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, Animal Snacks, and Wake up Stars are all great games to work on taking turns and sharing. Any game where your child will have to wait to let someone else go is a fun way to practice this skill.

2. Outside Play- Duck, Duck, goose, Red Light-green Light, hopscotch, tag, musical chairs and obstacle courses are fun ways to work on turn taking and waiting. This is such an important skill that every child needs to learn!

3. Free Play- blocks, kitchen, work benches, little people or your child’s favorite toy are all perfect for working on turn taking. Model “my turn” as you stack blocks or cook in the kitchen, teaching your child the important skill of waiting!

4. Meal time- waiting their turn to get food is just the start to practicing turn taking skills.  Give everyone a chance to share about their day during meal time. Use a timer if your child needs help waiting (or if an older child keeps talking!)

5. Reading together-  Work on taking turn pointing out pictures or talking about what is on the page.  As your child learns familiar words/books you can have them take turns helping your “read” the book.

These are just a few idea to get you started! Good luck!

Are you looking for some new turn taking games to add to your collection?  SimplyFun may have something for you! Check out

Want to connect? I would love to help you find ways for you to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

or join my group

Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

Educational Tips

Tips to build Gross Motor Skills in Preschoolers!

Are you wondering if your preschooler is on target with their gross motor development? Do you wish that they were more active? Guess what? There are many fun activities that you can do with your child to build these skills during play!! Embedding practice during play is the best way to learn any new skill! Below are just a few ideas  for you to try with your preschooler!

If you have concerns that your child is delayed in this area consider consulting with a PT (Physical Therapist) for further guidance.  Most states have Early Intervention Agencies that can help! These agencies work with children under 3 and often provide their services for free. In addition, many school systems will provide screenings for preschoolers (3-5) to help identify children who may be at risk so contact your local one.  If they can’t help they should be able to provide you with other local agencies that can!

Tips to build Gross Motor Skills:

1. Outdoor games such as Hopscotch, Red Rover, 1,2, 3 Red light, and duck, duck goose are all fun ways to build those motor skills.

2. Playgrounds- Slides, swings, and monkey bars all build gross motor skills while creating fun memories.

3. Riding toys- Bikes, Tricycles and scooters are great ways to help your child develop their gross motor skills.

4. Dancing- Put on some music and have a dance party! Family fun while building coordination!

5. Bubbles and Balls – Chasing bubbles, kicking and throwing balls are all great ways to build gross motor skills.

6.  Obstacle courses- tunnels, balance beams, cones, and hula hoops can all be used to create a fun course for your child to navigate.

These are just a few idea to get you started! Good luck!

Are you looking for some new gross motor games?  SimplyFun has a few! Buddy Hop and Do it Again are 2 fun ones!  Check out

Want to connect? I would love to help you find ways for you to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

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Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

Educational Tips

Learning through Game Play

Does your family enjoy playing games? What’s your favorite type? Board games, card games, dice games? Do you have a game night? Or do you use games for home schooling? We all know that playing games is so much fun, but have you ever thought about what your child gains during Gameplay?  Play is an amazing way to  develop a wide variety of skills so we are going to explore a seven ways that games increase these skills!

1. Games help children learn educational content faster and better- when children are having fun they remember content longer and more accurately!

2. Gameplay makes the brain more powerful- it develops and strengthens the brain by connecting the areas responsible for think, acting, communicating and feeling!

3. Gameplay builds confidence- as children play they develop new strategies and skills increasing their confidence!

4. Gameplay reduces screen time- playing games is a healthy, fun alternative to screen time! You can help your family by making a play promise to include 30 minutes of play a day!

5. Gameplay builds character- both winning and losing games help children learn to respond, adapt and improve from setbacks, building resilience and persistence!

6. Gameplay strengthens family bonds – you can provide guidance and demonstrate good behaviors while spending valuable time with your children. 

7. Gameplay develops social and emotional skills – turn taking, following directions and building healthy social relationships are such important skills to learn.

Are you interested in exploring educational games to help your child learn?  Check out

Want to connect? I would love to help you find ways to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

or join my group

Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!