Educational Tips

5 Tips for teaching children how to play board games

Does your family love playing board games? Do you have a child who is struggling to join in? Check out the 5 tips below to help your child learn how to play board games so they can join in the family fun!

Board games range from simple to more complex.  You can choose a game that matches your child’s ability or you can modify a board game to meet the needs of the child.  These steps will teach your child how to play board games and once they are familiar with how to play the game (the setup), they can then focus on the content of the game!

1. Introduce the game board: Ask your child what they see on the board. Talk about the pictures or writing. Identify the start and finish or the game and note special spaces. Have your child trace the path from start to finish.

2. Introduce the game pieces: Include items such as spinners, dice, pawns or tokens. Explain to your child by describing its function. As you explain let them explore the items (spinners, dice) so they know how to use them.

3. Practice moving the game pieces around the game board: You can use hand-over-hand assistance if needed. 

4.  Practice playing the game without the prompts or cards from the game: Instead, play the game but ask the child questions they know the answer to help them learn the game formate. (i.e. “What is your name?”, “What is the dog’s name?”, “How old are you?”)

5. Read/Review the game directions: Have your child repeat the directions back to you to make sure they understand how to play.  When they are ready have fun playing!!

Looking to add some new games to your Family’s library? Check out some of these great games from SimplyFun! Need ideas to modify the games? We got you covered! Under each game on the website there is a section that will give you ideas how to modify the game!! Isn’t that Awesome?!?!

Looking for more information or want to add any of these games to your collection?  Check out

Want to connect? I would love to help you find more games to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

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