Educational Tips

Teaching Turn taking to Preschoolers

Does your child struggle with sharing and taking turns? Do they get upset when they have to wait or if they lose a game? Turn taking is an important preschool skill and yes you can teach it to your child!  Modeling during play is a great start and if your child is struggling with the language of turn taking you can use a “my turn” card or the sign for “my turn” to help them visually see when it is their turn. Remember embedding practice during play is the best way to learn any new skill! Below are just a few ideas  for you to try with your preschooler!

Tips to build Turn Taking Skills:

1. Board games- Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, Animal Snacks, and Wake up Stars are all great games to work on taking turns and sharing. Any game where your child will have to wait to let someone else go is a fun way to practice this skill.

2. Outside Play- Duck, Duck, goose, Red Light-green Light, hopscotch, tag, musical chairs and obstacle courses are fun ways to work on turn taking and waiting. This is such an important skill that every child needs to learn!

3. Free Play- blocks, kitchen, work benches, little people or your child’s favorite toy are all perfect for working on turn taking. Model “my turn” as you stack blocks or cook in the kitchen, teaching your child the important skill of waiting!

4. Meal time- waiting their turn to get food is just the start to practicing turn taking skills.  Give everyone a chance to share about their day during meal time. Use a timer if your child needs help waiting (or if an older child keeps talking!)

5. Reading together-  Work on taking turn pointing out pictures or talking about what is on the page.  As your child learns familiar words/books you can have them take turns helping your “read” the book.

These are just a few idea to get you started! Good luck!

Are you looking for some new turn taking games to add to your collection?  SimplyFun may have something for you! Check out

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