Educational Tips

Teaching Positive Words during Game Play

Does your child struggle take turns? Do they have trouble waiting? Do they use mean words when they lose or don’t get their way?  Did you know that playing SimplyFun games is a great way to teach children positive, kind words while you build turn taking skills?

Using positive words can build your child’s self-esteem! Wouldn’t you love to see your child more confident!? Are you looking for ideas on words to use? Check out the video to see how to play “Wake up Stars”, a game for preschoolers that focuses on Storytelling and Social Relationships and think about positive things you can say to your child while playing!

Can you see all the possibilities for positive words and phrases?  “I am listening”, “You make me happy.” “Playing games together makes me happy.” “You are doing a good job taking turns.” “Nice waiting.”  “That’s a great story.” “Great listening.” “You make me laugh.” “You are fun to play with.” “You are important to me.”  The list is endless!! 

 Check out the videos on my website to find more games to work on turn taking, sharing and kind words! 

Want to connect? I would love to hear how much your child enjoyed positive words during play!

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Educational Tips

Ways Children Learn

Have you ever thought about how children learn? There are actually 3 different ways!  Everyone is worried that children are falling behind, but while your teachers do their best  you can actually be doing fun things at home to help your child learn.  Let’s explore the 3 ways to learn a little further.

1. Instruction- this is the formal teaching that happens. The goal for all teachers is to make learning easier and enjoyable. 

2. Experience- this is the knowledge you child will acquire from life experiences. Nature walks, trips to museums, trips to farms, and even trips to the store are helping your child learn.

3.  Play- this is actually the most powerful way to develop a wide variety of skills. Engaging in play develops curiosity, creativity and thinking skills. Pretend play, game play, building, gross motor play, and fine motor play are all times when some serious learning is taking place! The best part is there is so many things that you can do in this area to help your child learn!

Are you interested in exploring educational games to help your child learn?  Check out

Want to connect? I would love to help you find ways to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

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Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

Educational Tips

9 Types of Play

We all know that play is a powerful way to develop a wide variety of skills.  Engaging in play develops curiosity, creativity and thinking skills. Serious learning takes place during play!  And did you know that there are nine different types of play?  How many can you name? 

1. Game Play – Children follow or create rules to reach a shared objective in a game. Concepts like turn taking are important for this type of play.

2. Construction- Constructive play is when children manipulate their environment to create things. Cognitive skills are important as child figure out how to build and fit things together.

3. Gross Motor – Gross motor play uses the whole body.  These skills are important to help children perform every day functions such as running, jumping and climbing and helps children gain strength and confidence in their body.

4. Fine Motor- Fine motor play uses the small muscles that controls the hand. These skills help build the foundation for important future skills like writing and self-care.

5. Art- When children interact with art materials such as paper, glue, markers, paint, etc. they create something that is unique and belongs to them. 

6. Reading and Narrative- The main function of narrative play is to support the development of personal narrative voice and personal self in young children. Young children experience these aspects in a holistic way.

7. Pretend- This type of play is all about your child’s imagination. It is a form of symbolic play where children use objects, actions, or ideas to represent other objects, actions, or ideas using their imaginations to assign roles to inanimate objects or people. 

8. Music- Music is used to introduce daily routines such as as a clean up song, it is shared with others in singing, dancing, and playing instruments together.  It helps build social and emotional skills.

9 Sensory- Sensory play includes any activity that stimulates a young child’s senses of touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing, as well as anything which engages movement and balance.

Are you interested in exploring educational games to help your child learn?  Check out

Want to connect? I would love to help you find ways to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

or join my group

Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

Educational Tips

How to Sneak in Math Practice!

Math – does your child love it or hate it? Either way it is a skill they need to have! Are you always looking for ways for them to practice?  I can help!! Let’s explore 6 Fun ways to Sneak Math in!!

1. Cooking – Do you have a budding Chef?  This is the perfect way to work to practice math! Count ingredients or number of stirs, sort, match, practice shapes, practice addition or subtraction, work on measurements, practice the concepts more, less, first, second, or third! 

2. Arts and Crafts – Does your child enjoy creating things? There are so many ways to work on Math! Practice colors and shapes, count items, sort items, follow the steps in the activity (first, second, third), work on concepts like under, over, many, few, right or left, practice addition or subtraction!

3. Outdoor play/Sports – Is your family active, loving outdoor time? Play “Hide and seek” to practice counting to high numbers or play “Mother May I” to practice counting steps or to work on big steps or little steps. There is so many ways to practice math during sports- Which score is higher? How many more points do we have to score to get to 10? Count bases, baskets or yard lines! The possibilities are endless!

4. Shopping – Do you have to take your child along while you shop? Keep them busy by counting and sorting items, practice addition, subtraction and estimation to figure out how much everything will cost. Money skills are so important and shopping is the perfect opportunity to practice!

5. Reading books – Does your child love to read? Practice math by counting items, looking for shapes, or finding colors. Practice concepts by using the pictures (under, over, next to, behind, more, less). There are so many ways to work on math using books!

6. Board Games – Does your family love to play games?  This is the perfect time to sneak some math in! Counting, matching, sorting, identifying numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division! The possibilities are endless!  You can use your family’s favorite games or if you are looking for something new check out SimplyFun!  They have games that were created to work on specific math skills!

Want to connect? I would love to help you find ways to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

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Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

Educational Tips

Math at Home

Math – does your child love it or hate it? Either way it is a skill they need to have! Are you always looking for ways for them to practice?  I can help!! Let’s explore how you can practice Math at home during everyday routines.

1. Bath time- 

       a. Have measuring cups, measuring spoons and a variety of containers available to play with in the tub. Practice measuring, talk about the differences in the amount of water in the different containers and have fun building those skills.

     b. Uses shaving cream on the wall to practice writing numbers or drawing shapes. If you child is older they can do simple math problems.

    c. Identify shapes and colors that they see in the bathroom – the tiles, containers, items on shelves, wash cloths and towels are all items you can use to practice these skills!

2. Kitchen-

         a. Have your child practice sorting by putting away groceries.

         b. Helping with cooking can build skills by working on measuring, counting, and following directions containing basic concepts.

        c. Again identify shapes and colors throughout the room.

3. Family Room – 

    a. Have a family schedule/calendar and a clock to work on time concepts.

     b. Read books about math.

     c. Have a variety of math games to play during family time!

Are you looking for some new Family Math Games? Check out what SimplyFun has to offer! Use the filter to find math games for the ages you want!

Want to connect? I would love to help you find ways to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

or join my group

Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

Educational Tips

5 Ways to Beat Boredom

Parents, what are your least favorite words that your children say? How about “I’m bored”! I bet they have tons of toys and still use those words! Below are 5 Fun ways to chase the boredom away!

1. Games- I know some of my best memories are from playing games! Board games, card games, dice games are all so much fun! If you are looking for some new ones you really need to check out SimplyFun!

2. Arts and Crafts- Pull out some paper, glue, markers, paint, scissors etc. and let your child create something that is unique and belongs to them. Have a spot that they can display their creations for everyone to see!

3. Science Projects – there are so many fun science activities that are easy and only require basic household ingredients. Make slime or a volcano! Your child will have fun while learning!

4. A Kindness project – have your child create cards to send to a grandparent or older family member or to people living in nursing homes! You child will have fun and you will brighten someones day!

5. Create a Family Time Capsule – fill a small plastic bin with items that are important to everyone- pictures, awards, art work, tickets from places you go, or a toy.  Seal the bin tightly and put the date on it along with a date in the future to open it. Find a spot to store it and then someday it will be another fun family activity to open it together!

Are you interested in exploring educational games to help your child learn?  Check out

Want to connect? I would love to help you find ways to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

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Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

Educational Tips

Tips to Avoid the Summer Slide

Are you worried about your child losing skills this summer? Do you worry that summer is too long for them to not practice their skills? Do you dread forcing them to do worksheets when all they want to do is have fun?  

Guess what? You can have fun all summer long while helping your child keep the skills they have and maybe even learn some new ones! Let’s check out these 5 tips!

1. Reading – children love stories and that one on one time as you read with them and reading is one of the best activities for building skills.  For younger children let them pick their favorite book and read it with them, asking them to point out pictures or to say words. For older children take turns reading with them- you read a page then they do. Make it an adventure by reading outside on a picnic blanket or by using a sheet to create a fort to read in.  Does your local library have a summer reading program? Mine does and it includes stories and crafts!

2. Cooking – having your child help in the kitchen is a great way to work on skills and you can keep it simple-make a fruit salad together, make cookies or teach them to scramble an egg. While you are cooking you can work on vocabulary, reading directions, counting, measuring, and turn taking. You won’t just be working on school skills, you will be working on life skills, which are so important!

3. Games- board games, card games, dice games, outside play games – there are so many choices in this area and when you start to think about it you will see all the skills you can work on in this fun way.  Are you looking to build a specific skill? Is your child struggling in reading or math? Or does your child need to work on turn taking and cooperative play? If you are looking for something specific to work on check out SimplyFun Educational Games! There are over 140 choices for all age level and all skills!

Looking for Games?? SimplyFun has lots of choices for all levels!

Never heard of SimplyFun? Checkout my website to see all that we have to offer!

4. Camping/vacations – Do you have a trip planned? Have your child help you plan what you can do by reading and researching fun things in the area you are going to. If you are going camping have them research tips on having fun while camping. Have them write lists of what they should pack, or what they want to do while you are away. Are you flying? Use your time at the airport to pretend that you are going to other places. Discuss where you would go and why. Teach them to read the signs that tell if the flights are on time or delayed. Bring fun things to do on the plane or in the car! Bonus tip, SimplyFun has a chat ring called “Are We there yet?” that provides a bunch of fun travel games!

5. Outdoor fun – Are you going to the beach or a pool? Does your family enjoy walks, hikes or bike rides? Do you have a back yard? Anytime you are outside you can work on skills during play. Create adventures, build forts, have picnics,  or go on nature walks. As you do these activities discuss what you are doing. If your child is really interested in something, research it further. Write lists about what you need before you go to the beach or a pool, plan what you can do when you are there. The possibilities are endless!

Want to connect? I would love to help you find the perfect games to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

or join my group

Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

Educational Tips

5 Ways to prepare your child for Kindergarten

Do you have a little one getting ready to go to kindergarten (or school for the first time)? Would you love to start off the year on your child’s teachers A list? Below are 5 ways you can prepare your child for in school success and have their teacher thank you! And if school has already started just practice on the weekends!

1.  Role Play School – Don’t worry about numbers and letters, instead have them practice sitting and listening quietly to story on the floor, raising their hand to answer or ask questions, sitting at a table to work and lining up.  Practicing in a safe place will give them confidence and when their teachers require these skills they will be ready!

2. Opening snack and lunch items – your child will be going from eating at home from plates and bowls and having your help to open things to a class of 20 or so kids with only 1-2 adults able to help all the kids open containers, juice boxes and snacks.  Help your child build confidence by using their lunch box at home first and teaching them how to open everything. If they are struggling to open something replace it with something they can do- seriously I struggle getting straws into capri suns so your 5 year old might as well!!

3. Race the clock – your child will be on time limits in school and during the morning rush to get ready. Pick some activities and make a game trying to get your child to do it as quickly as possible. Suggestions for morning routine activities include brushing their teeth, putting on socks and shoes, or eating breakfast quickly. Suggestions for school includes eating snacks and lunches quickly or cleaning up toys/crayons/papers.

4. Turn taking, sharing- your child will be required to do a lot of sharing and turn taking in kindergarten. Practice, practice, practice!! Play board games, have play dates, or play with them to give them opportunities to share. These skills are so important for school success!

5.  Self care- Again practice, practice, practice! Make sure they are independent in the bathroom and that you send them to school in clothes that they can pull up and down and that they can zip and button. Right now hand washing is done frequently teaching them the correct way at home will build confidence. Make sure they can put on their coat (in my school we use “the preschool flip” where they lay their coat on the floor and stand in front of the hood and put it on by flipping it over their head! After they master that work on the zipper! And if you can teach your kindergartener to tie their own shoes their teacher will be so grateful!! Building confidence with these skills at home will help make their school year successful!

Looking for some new board games to practice taking turns?  SimplyFun may have something for you! Check out

Want to connect? I would love to help you find more games to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

or join my group

Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

The standard host rewards are already incredible and having an online party is so much fun!  All you do is pick a night and invite your friends!  I provide the games and we all have fun together! In-person (in RI, South Eastern CT or South Eastern MA) or Facebook (anywhere) Parties are available!

What’s in it for your family and friends? A variety of game specials for them to chose from as well as over 100 games for all areas and skill levels!  During the party I will share about a few of the favorites tailored to your party guests needs and interests for their families! September Game Specials include a variety of fun games for your guests to choose from!

Contact me to schedule your September Party date!!

Never heard of SimplyFun? Checkout my website to see all that we have to offer!

Want to connect? I would love to help you find the perfect games to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

or join my group

Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!