Speech and language Tips

5 Summer Fun ideas to build language skills!!

Are you looking to help your child build their language skills? Building vocabulary, increasing understanding of basic concepts, answering questions and telling stories are all important skills to develop! There are lots of fun things to do in the Summer to increase your child’s skills in this area! Let’s explore 5 of them!

1. Scavenger Hunts- Pick a few items around your home, take pictures or write a list, then hide them around your yard or if you are heading out make a list of items for your child to look for! Your child will build vocabulary and increase their understanding of basic concepts as they search for the items. Work on answering questions as you give them clues to help them find the items and then when they are done have them tell a story about what they did!

2. Water Play- Fill a bucket, plastic tote or small pool with a variety of items: scoops, cups, funnels, spoon, and toys and let your child play! Model language as you play: “I am pouring the water., “The duck is swimming.” You can work on vocabulary, concepts, questions and story telling! Is your child working on a particular speech sound? Fill the bucket with items starting with that sound for lots of embedded speech practice.

3. A day at the Beach (or lake) – Introduce beach and water vocabulary, work on following directions and concept development during sand play, take a walk and work on questions and story telling skills. Encourage your child talk to other children to build social language skills.

4. Library Story Time/Reading – Find books about summer and summer activities to read with your child. Join in on your local library’s story time for some inspiration and to help your child build social language skills as they interact with peers.

5. Summer Inspired board Games – Board games can be played outside or inside when the weather isn’t great! Choose from a variety of SimplyFun games to build vocabulary, to increase your child’s ability to follow directions and to learn new concepts!

Looking for more information or want to add any of these games to your collection?  Check out

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