Speech and language Tips

Tips to embed Speech and Language Practice into everyday activities

Do you have a child with speech and language delays? Are you looking for fun, easy ways to practice? Did you know embedding practice throughout the day is the best way to work on carry over? Interested in learning more? Check out these 5 Tips on when and how you can practice speech and language.

1. Meal Time:  During meal times, talk about everyone’s day or something special that will be happening. Ask your child about their favorite food and use descriptive words to talk about what they are eating. You can also use words that start with the speech sound they are working on.

2. Sing Songs: Songs and Nursery rhymes are awesome ways to build language. You child will be more willing to participate and will learn new words. If your child is just starting to speak you can sing and pause so that they can fill in words.

3. Games: During game play your child can practice turn taking, answer questions, build vocabulary and concepts, improve their ability to follow directions and practice the speech sounds they are working on.  

4. Outside play: You can work on your child’s ability to follow directions, build vocabulary, increase understanding of basic concepts and work on speech sounds all while enjoying outside fun.

5. Read Books: This impacts language development so much! Using the same daily book is okay and repetitive books are great! If your child is working a specific speech sound find words in books so they can practice their sounds.

Never heard of SimplyFun? Checkout my website to see all that we have to offer! Each game list suggestions to modify for children with special needs

Want to connect? I would love to help you find more ways to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

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Tina Williams, M.A., CCC-SLP

Speech and language Tips

Using Puppets to Build Language Skills

Did you know that playing with puppets is a great educational activity?  Your child can build skills in a variety of areas!  As a speech language pathologist, my favorite area is using puppets to build language skills! Puppets offer children an engaging way to interact and explore their knowledge and understanding of the world.  During puppet play children use language to have conversations and to role play developing their skills in this area!

SimplyFun’s Tibbar the Rabbit is featured in the game Wake Up Stars, which focuses on storytelling and social relationships. Find out what makes your friends and Tibbar happy or sad, by sharing stories about what makes them feel the emotions found on the faces of the stars! Check out the video!

SimplyFun’s Digger the Dog can help your child learn colors, shapes and counting while you learn how to match!  Having him as a friend to share in your child’s adventures is a great way to build language skills! Check out the video of the game!

Pickles the Pig is featured in SimplyFun’s Pickles’ Pig Tales! This SimplyFun game focuses on story telling and communication. Tell the story from the beginning during each turn, then add one new sentence to it based on the object shown on the card drawn. Your child will use their imagination as Pickles joins them in their adventures!

Looking for more information or want to add any of these games to your collection?  Check out

Want to connect? I would love to help you find more games to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family or to attend your vendor event!

Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

Speech and language Tips

5 Summer Fun ideas to build language skills!!

Are you looking to help your child build their language skills? Building vocabulary, increasing understanding of basic concepts, answering questions and telling stories are all important skills to develop! There are lots of fun things to do in the Summer to increase your child’s skills in this area! Let’s explore 5 of them!

1. Scavenger Hunts- Pick a few items around your home, take pictures or write a list, then hide them around your yard or if you are heading out make a list of items for your child to look for! Your child will build vocabulary and increase their understanding of basic concepts as they search for the items. Work on answering questions as you give them clues to help them find the items and then when they are done have them tell a story about what they did!

2. Water Play- Fill a bucket, plastic tote or small pool with a variety of items: scoops, cups, funnels, spoon, and toys and let your child play! Model language as you play: “I am pouring the water., “The duck is swimming.” You can work on vocabulary, concepts, questions and story telling! Is your child working on a particular speech sound? Fill the bucket with items starting with that sound for lots of embedded speech practice.

3. A day at the Beach (or lake) – Introduce beach and water vocabulary, work on following directions and concept development during sand play, take a walk and work on questions and story telling skills. Encourage your child talk to other children to build social language skills.

4. Library Story Time/Reading – Find books about summer and summer activities to read with your child. Join in on your local library’s story time for some inspiration and to help your child build social language skills as they interact with peers.

5. Summer Inspired board Games – Board games can be played outside or inside when the weather isn’t great! Choose from a variety of SimplyFun games to build vocabulary, to increase your child’s ability to follow directions and to learn new concepts!

Looking for more information or want to add any of these games to your collection?  Check out

Want to connect? I would love to help you find more games to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

or join my group

Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

Speech and language Tips

5 Ways to practice Speech and Language Skills in the Car!!

Are you taking a much needed vacation this summer? Are you traveling with your kids in the car? Are you looking for fun ways to embed speech and language practice? Speech sounds, vocabulary, increasing understanding of basic concepts, answering questions and telling stories are all important skills to practice! There are lots of fun things to do in the Car to increase your child’s skills in this area! Let’s explore 5 of them!

1. I Spy:  Players can take turns describing familiar items or objects (choose items based on target speech sounds or target vocabulary). The other players guess until someone discovers the mystery word. 

2. Categories: One player chooses a category (animals, a color, food) and every player will then take a turn naming a item in the category.

3. Movie time: During a long trip you may want to put on some of your child’s favorite videos. Every so often pause the show and ask questions (Who is that character?, What do you think will happen next?, What is your favorite part of the movie?)

4. License Plate Game: Find license plates from different states and teach your child a fun fact about that state!  Plus you can make a list to see how many of the states you can find plates for. Is your child working on a specific speech sound? Have them find that letter/sound on plates (I found a “k”.)

5. SimplyFun Chat Rings: These rings are sized perfectly for travel and have many questions to get your children thinking and using their communication skills.

Looking for more information or want to add any of these Chat Rings to your collection?  Check out

Want to connect? I would love to help you find more games to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

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Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

Speech and language Tips

Speech and language therapy at home

Do you have a child with speech and language delays? Are you a home school mom wondering how you can help? Are you looking for fun, easy ways to practice at home? Did you know embedding practice throughout the day is the best way to work on carry over? Interested in learning more? Check out these Tips on when and how you can practice speech and language at home. For the best results talk to your child’s speech and language therapist to prioritize the goals you want to address! If you don’t have a speech therapist please feel free to message you and I will help you with the process of finding one!

1. Model Speech and language: Use grammatically correct sentences and speak clearly at an appropriate rate. Use simple vocabulary words they are familiar with or remember to explain the meaning of a new word. If they say a word wrong model the correct way rather than correcting them. 

2. Meal Time:  During meal times, talk about everyone’s day or something special that will be happening. Ask your child about their favorite food and use descriptive words to talk about what they are eating. You can also use words that start with the speech sound they are working on.

3. Verbal Routines: Say the same thing each time you play with something. For example, while playing with a car you could always say “ready, set, go” or you can count steps as you go up or downstairs. 

4. Trick Them: When you put out materials for them “forget” something so they have to make a request. For example, put out coloring books, but forget the crayons to provide practice requesting. 

5. Read Books: This impacts language development so much! Using the same daily book is okay and repetitive books are great! If your child is working a specific speech sound find words in books so they can practice their sounds.

6. Sing Songs: Songs and Nursery rhymes are awesome ways to build language. You child will be more willing to participate and will learn new words. If your child is just starting to speak you can sing and pause so that they can fill in words.

7. Narrate Life: Talk about routines as you are doing them. Comment and expand on what they say using modifiers. The more you model the more they learn.

8. Have Fun: Learning language through play is the best! Outdoor play, board games, and playing with toys will all provide you with many opportunities to work on speech and language skills!

I participated in a Podcast sharing these tips! Check it out!

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Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!

Tina Williams, M.A., CCC-SLP

Speech and language Tips

5 Tips for Summer Speech Practice

Does your child make errors on speech sounds? Do family and friends have trouble understanding what they are saying? Do they get frustrated when they aren’t understood? Are you looking to help your child work on Speech over the summer?  

Let’s explore 5 Fun things to do to build those Speech skills!

1. Bubbles, horns and whistles- are all great for oral motor practice. Build mouth strength, control and coordination in a fun way! Your local dollar store will have a variety of fun choice that come in multi-packs so the whole family can join in! Take it outside and have parades or just have fun blowing and popping bubbles! Reminder the best bubbles are the ones they are blowing.  An extra tips, popsicles and ice cream cones are also fun ways to work on oral motor skills-get those little tongues moving with control!!

2. Books and Reading- have your child repeat words and phrases form their favorite story. Repetitive books are great especially if you want to focus on certain sound or words!  Some of my favorites for speech practice include “Moo, Baa, La La La” by Sandra Boynton, “Old McDino had a Farm” by Becky Davies, and “Hi Pizza Man!” by Virginia Walter, but any book that your child loves will work! Bonus tip, if your child is working on a certain sound find a book that has a lot of words containing that sound, listening to it will provide auditory bombardment (hearing the sound a bunch of times) and then they can practice it!

3. Nursery Rhymes and Songs- practice those simple words in a fun way! Pause to give your child time to say the word on their own! There are so many songs and rhymes to use while practicing speech- Old McDonald, Wheels on the Bus, the Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed,  and the ABC’s! Teach them your childhood favorites and give them lots of opportunities to practice speech. 

4. Verbal Routines -say the same thing each time you play something. Does your child like playing with cars? Practice “Ready, Set, Go” as the car goes down ramps or as you push it back and forth or set up a tower and use “crash” as the car knocks it down. This can also be done with balls, on the slide, or as they jump into a pool! Counting is another great way to practice words- count as you go upstairs or downstairs, count houses or rocks as you take a walk,  or count pushes on a swing. There are so many opportunities to practice sounds and words!

5. Narrate Life- Talk about routines as you are doing them. “We are going outside!”, “Let’s make lunch.”, “Yum, we are eating goldfish crackers”,  “Let’s take a bath.”,  “Washing your toes.” -the possibilities are endless! You can also comment on what your child says by using modifiers. For example, if they say “ball” respond “Oh you want the big ball” or “Here’s the blue ball”.  The more you model, the more they learn!

Bonus Tip-  Have Fun!! Playing and spending time together is the best way to practice Speech!

Want to connect? I would love to help you find more games to Laugh and Learn Through Play with your family!

or join my group

Looking for additional ideas on how to embed skills development into everyday activities? Join my email list for my monthly newsletter!